Database NTESLE Company
I created this company's database when I was in semester 2. In this project I created a database, created a dummy database record, and did the SELECT query database in this project. So in order to make it clear how the data flows and create tables, I first created a database design for this project, known as an ERD. This project demonstrates my proficiency in writing SELECT queries (DQL) and CREATE TABLE statements (DDL) for a relational database. I designed an ERD to model a simple schema. Using a RDBMS, I created the tables with DDL statements and inserted dummy data. The focus is on writing SELECT statements to query and retrieve data from the single or joined tables, including filtering, sorting, aggregating, and analyzing the dummy data. Overall, this project showcases my ability to create database tables using DDL, and then query the database using basic to intermediate SELECT statements (DQL).
1. Use Case Diagram
After that, I created a DDL which is where this process creates a query to create a database and create other tables that are needed
2. DDL Database
Then, I created a DML whose contents were to fill in the database records that were in the table that had been created.
3. DML Database
The last process is that I do a select query to show the desired results.
4. Select Query
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